Part-time Virtual Assistant Needed

I am the President and Founder of a quickly growing sales and marketing firm based in Chicago, IL. I am looking for a part-time virtual assistant to start out at 10 hours per week and increasing from there. Our ability to work together long term will be determined primarily on how your skills match with what I need done. I may initially hire two people if your skills sets are varying. Below is a preliminary list of what I may need done on a week-to-week basis. I may need all of these things or only some of these things done each week: Proofreading my blog posts, making corrections if needed and then posting them to my Wordpress site (only a simple knowledge of Wordpress is needed) Returning emails. This is probably the most crucial task. I get 100's of email messages every day that need to be handled. For potential clients, I need their information inputted into a spreadsheet and called to set up an appointment with me. You will be fu

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