Data Analysis - Weekly productivity reporting / Time management reports

Hi! To help me become more productive, I would really like to start to track how I spend my time. Unfortunately I have tried pretty much every time-tracking tool out there, but can't find one that fits my needs. Instead I have created a journal reminder system that asks me to check in every 15 minutes of the day with my progress. So, for example (...and this is a concise example!): 9:00 - Wake up 9:30 - Breakfast 10:00 - Unproductive (reading) 10:15 - Productive (ProjectA) 11:15 - Coffee 11:30 - Unproductive (reading) 11:45 - Productive (Project A) 13:00 - Lunch 14:00 - Unproductive (Web) 14:30 - Productive (Project B) 15:45 - Meeting for Project A just lasted an 1 hour 16:00 - Coffee, Mood Happy 16:15 - Productive (Project B) 17:30 - Go home 20:30 - Gym (30 min) Swim (40 laps) - started at 7pm 21:30 - Watched tv 1 hour 22:15 - Note to self: Facebook advertising, check out - Try fill in the ___ or vs questions. 22:45 - Spoke with Paula, Tired. 23:30 - Sleep I woul

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